Where can I get to know Thermomix ® TM6 and see it in action?
Booking a Cooking Experience is the best way to discover the Thermomix ® free of charge with no obligations. At a Cooking Experience, one of our representatives showcases the Thermomix ®. There, yo...
What should I know when your advisor comes to my home to show me the ropes about TM6 and Cookidoo®?
Please take note that free months for the initial registration of the TM6 will only be credited once to the Cookidoo® account that was used at the very beginning. After the credit has been issued, ...
Can I also pay for my Thermomix ® TM6 in installments?
Yes, you can still treat yourself to a Thermomix ® appliance even if you need to pay for it in installments over a longer period of time. Just get in touch with your personal representative to disc...
How can I become a Thermomix ® representative?
You will find an overview and answers to the most important questions here. You will find the contact form for a face-to-face discussion here.
What is my working environment like?
As our representative, you will be the centre of attention and experience the concept "together and for each other" - from a part-time consultant with a passion to a full-blooded entrepreneur. More...