Where can I find my Created recipes in my account?
You can find your own created recipes under My Recipes, Created recipes.
How many recipes can I create?
You can create up to 100 own recipes. If you do not have an active subscription you can still try out the feature by adding up to 10 recipes.
Cookidoo® account requirements to create a recipe.
All Cookidoo accounts have access to the Created recipes feature. With a full subscription or 3-month TM6/CK trial you will be able to save up to 100 Created recipes. With a 30-day welcome trial or an inactive subscription you will be able to save up to 10 recipes.
How many Created recipes will stay in my account, when my subscriptions expires?
All the recipes will stay in your account for up to 18 months and re-subscribing within this timeframe will give you full access to them again. However while you are unsubscribed you will not be able to fully view, edit or cook them if you have more than 10 recipes. To be able to use the free allocation of 10 recipes simply delete some recipes until you reach this total or less.
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